We are pleased to announce that our stock ticker symbol on Nasdaq First North has changed to “ECOWVE”. The new ticker symbol will be easier to find and reflects our brand more appropriately Press ReleasesBy ewpadminAugust 3, 2020Details
We are a finalist of the United Nations SDG Challenge for 2020! The WE Empower SDG Challenge is recognizing the work of women entrepreneurs advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals! NewsBy ewpadminJuly 20, 2020Details
21 of the most talented and inspiring women entrepreneurs in Europe have been shortlisted for the EU Prize for Women Innovators 2020. Honored that our Co-Founder & CEO Inna Braverman is one of the finalists! NewsBy ewpadminJuly 13, 2020Details
We are proud to announce that we are the winner of the Energy Globe Award, for our combined Wave and Solar project in the Port of Jaffa, Israel. Thank you for supporting us! NewsBy ewpadminJuly 9, 2020Details
Envision by Virgin published five innovations aiding the race against climate change, We are proud to be on their list! NewsBy ewpadminMay 27, 2020Details
Eco Wave Power Enters Concession Agreement with APDL to Enable the Construction of an up to 20MW Wave Energy Power Station in Portugal Press Releases, Regulatory Press ReleasesBy ewpadminApril 16, 2020Details
A new article by GreenHouse.eco about wave energy and female empowerment NewsBy ewpadminMarch 30, 2020Details
We are on the cover of MPS – Modern Power Systems! Read more about us in the following link (pages 33-34): NewsBy ewpadminMarch 29, 2020Details
Today, Eco Wave Power is featured in National Geographic: Waves are generating power—just one of many signs of hope for our planet NewsBy ewpadminMarch 26, 2020Details
Physics World article, Blue energy: innovative ways of harnessing energy from the oceans NewsBy ewpadminMarch 24, 2020Details