Eco Wave Power Coming to Sweden

Israeliska Eco Wave Power går mot en notering på First North i Stockholm runt halvårsskiftet då man ska ta in 125–175 miljoner kronor för att finansiera produktion av bolagets vågenergiteknik. Responsen från investerare har varit god, säger Eco Wave Powers grundare och vd Inna Braverman till Di i en intervju.


Energie des vagues : au Top 10 des femmes les plus influentes, Inna Braverman (Israël) est honorée à Paris

Le 21 février dernier, à l’occasion de la conférence Women4Climate, mouvement créé en 2017 rassemblant des femmes qui apportent, partout dans le monde, une solution concrète et pragmatique face au défi climatique, l’israélienne Inna Braverman, cofondatrice de la société Eco Wave Power a été récompensée pour sa solution d’électricité issue des vagues.


6 Israeli women who are changing the world

At home or abroad, in their living rooms or in the board room, women around the world are doing more than challenging the status quo – they’re downright shattering it. In observance of International Women’s Day, we handpicked some of our most notable, admirable and unstoppable women from Israel who inspire, awaken and teach us all.


International Women’s Day 2019

In celebration of this year’s International Women’s Day we’re highlighting some of the greatest women of the 21st Century. See if you agree with our list – are there any others you think should be included? I’m sure we’ve missed some greats, so let us know and we’ll add your nominations.
