Envision by Virgin published five innovations aiding the race against climate change, We are proud to be on their list! NewsBy ewpadminMay 27, 2020…
A new article by GreenHouse.eco about wave energy and female empowerment NewsBy ewpadminMarch 30, 2020…
We are on the cover of MPS – Modern Power Systems! Read more about us in the following link (pages 33-34): NewsBy ewpadminMarch 29, 2020…
Today, Eco Wave Power is featured in National Geographic: Waves are generating power—just one of many signs of hope for our planet NewsBy ewpadminMarch 26, 2020…
Physics World article, Blue energy: innovative ways of harnessing energy from the oceans NewsBy ewpadminMarch 24, 2020…
Eco Wave Power (EWPG Holding) has installed a new combined wave and solar system in the EWP grid connected wave energy power station in Gibraltar. NewsBy ewpadminMarch 23, 2020…
Eco Wave Power’s conversion unit successful in wave simulation testing NewsBy ewpadminMarch 17, 2020…
In observance of International Women’s Day, fromthegrapvine.com handpicked some of the most notable, admirable and unstoppable women from Israel who inspire, awaken and teach us all. NewsBy ewpadminMarch 5, 2020…
Eco Wave Power is featured on Zero Emission at France Info TV. Watch Dr. Bertrand Piccard , Chairman of Solar Impulse explaining the benefits of our technology! NewsBy ewpadminMarch 4, 2020…
Sparknews : Eco Wave Power, harvesting the ocean’s endless motion to produce clean electricity NewsBy ewpadminFebruary 25, 2020…